Access to the swimming pool is free and strictly reserved for Thalassîles residents who must comply with the internal regulations. No invitations are accepted from people who do not live in the Thalassîles.
1 - Pool capacity : 18 people in the pool, 5 people in the whirlpool
2 - Opening :
The pool is open from the 1st Saturday in April to the 12th November.
Opening hours: 9 am - 8 pm
The Management reserves the right to change the timetable or to close the swimming pool in particular for
technical, hygiene or safety reasons.
3 - Conduct and behaviour of users
A swimming costume is compulsory.
The wearing of long shorts, Bermuda shorts and T-shirts in the water is prohibited.
Boxer shorts are accepted.
Users must remain properly and decently dressed.
Any act or behaviour that is likely to offend decency, good morals, the
the tranquillity of the bathers, the good order and the cleanliness of the establishment, is formally
prohibited. It will be sanctioned by immediate dismissal from the pool.
It is forbidden to operate radios, recorders or CD players and to take any other type of equipment.
photographs without the consent of the persons concerned.
4 - Hygiene
Animals are strictly forbidden in the pool area.
A soapy shower and the use of the foot bath are mandatory before entering the pool.
It is forbidden to enter with shoes on your feet. Please leave them in the lockers provided
in the entrance.
Persons suffering from illnesses whose external effects are
may be a source of discomfort or contagion to others, as well as to persons in a state of
obvious uncleanliness.
Eating, drinking, smoking, chewing gum, spitting and littering are prohibited
in the pool area, there are bins reserved for this purpose.
Only young children who are 'clean' or have special nappies for bathing are allowed in the pool.
allowed to bathe.
Each bather must ensure that the pool area is kept clean and tidy,
especially in the changing rooms and sanitary facilities
5 - Responsibility and monitoring
Access to the swimming pool is free and strictly reserved for Thalassîles residents who must
comply with the internal regulations. No invitations from persons not residing in the Thalassîles.
The pool is not supervised.
Minors must be accompanied by their parents who are solely responsible for their supervision.
The management cannot be held responsible for any accident.
6 - Safety
For their own safety, users of the pool are requested to comply with the rules
It is prohibited:
- annoying users by noisy, dangerous or immoral games or actions;
- pushing or throwing people on the beach into the water;
- running, shouting, diving, throwing water ;
- to simulate drowning;
- playing ball on the beach;
- to enter the prohibited areas indicated by a sign or panel;
- to use floating devices and lifebuoys;
- bathing with sun oil on the body
- climbing fences and partitions of any kind;
7 - Respect for the facilities
Damage to the facilities and installations is prohibited. Any damage or loss will be
repaired at the offenders' expense.
8 - Sanctions
Violators of these provisions may be excluded from the pool at any time by
9 - Lost and Found
The residence is not insured against loss or theft of jewellery, valuables or cash,
even handed over to the staff for safekeeping. Users are asked not to bring in any objects of
value. Lost property must be handed in and/or claimed from the residence management.